

Help us Shine God’s Light in 2022

Wherever and however we gather, we are called to continue the work of shining God’s light - loving God and loving our neighbors. This past year has brought unexpected challenges and unexpected gifts. We invite you to give thanks for the ways you have experienced God’s blessings this year. Who could have imagined that we would have been gathering each week on Zoom for prayer and conversation, dropping off cards, gifts or food to each other, finding sanctuary in the natural world, or connecting through socially distant backyard parties this summer. We have overcome many challenges and have heard God’s call to respond with creativity and compassion through this season.

Pledging is an act of faith on the part of each parishioner, and a concrete promise to support God’s work next year through All Saints. Pledges allow our Vestry to generate an annual budget based on prayer, wisdom, and sound knowledge of giving during 2021. We hope you will return these pledge cards on All Saints Sunday, November 1st either by pledging online, through mailing it in, or joining us for a socially distant celebration of God’s light at the church. We are God’s beloved, called to be saints, and we are called to practice our saintly life in new ways.